NASCAR = Global Warming

If we want to be serious about fuel conservation, we should eliminate NASCAR, the most pointless expenditure of fuel ever conceived, polluting the atmosphere, carving oval-shaped holes into the ozone over racetracks throughout the globe. Think about it. According to google, NASCAR stockcars average 4.5 miles per gallon and an average race uses 5,000 gallons. And this is not to mention the typical NASCAR spectator, driving many miles in automobiles I’m sure do not have the word “hybrid” in their owner’s manual. I am curious how future civilizations will judge us in the midst of war and idealistic ANWAR squabbling about oil as we send 100,000 of our own to California Speedway.
Dude, you beat me to a comment on this. You're right, useless waste of fuel.
I previously justified this to myself in my mind as R&D for better vehicles and better safety, but there are better solutions. These aren't even "stock" cars anymore, so what exactly is to be tested?
Make them drive in a traffic jam, with the A/C straining the engine and a screaming kid in the back seat. That'll learn em how to design a car.
i gotta disagree with that. people want to get rid of nascar! no way nascar is one of the most popular sports in america. in fact its popular in the world. people want to talk about it now. they should of be talking about it back then, so I, as well as every other nascar fan doesn't want to see nascar go to waste
Why stop with NASCAR? We could ban all sports activities that require travel. Additioally, we could ban vacation travel and travel to visit family. Soon we will need oversight to insure we all play by the rules. Maybe something like the plan used in 1984.
i'm glad there is another environmentalist here in San Diego's north county
i thought I was the only one
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